After founding her wildly successful salon franchise, Sally decides to take a vacation. While on vacation, she meets a friend in the spa supply business who notes that her business has taken a downturn recently since local spas have been closing. This sparks an idea with Sally to fill the spa void.Sally’s Spa is a time management game where customers file in through the door desiring a variety of spa-type services. These include facials, massages, hot stone treatments, nail clipping and painting, whirlpools, and others. Customers indicate what service they want next with a pictorial balloon above their heads. The player must guide them to the appropriate station in the salon and service the customer.

Sally’s Spa System Requirements


  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • Processor: 600 Mhz
  • RAM: 128MB
  • Storage: 40 MB